8 SIBSU project activities ARE structured into 3 main areas
Secure border · Inclusive border · Cooperating border
Thematic seminars and manuals for representatives of the border and customs administrations on both sides of the border. The SIBSU project will include 12 one-day thematic seminars for representatives of the Slovak and Ukrainian border police and representatives of the customs administration (6 - border police, 6 - customs administration). Seminars are planned for the duration of the whole project in four blocks.
Scholarship stays for Slovak (in Ukraine) and Ukrainian (in Slovakia) representatives and educational stays (mixed groups) in Norway. We will organize a total of eight study stays for Ukrainian representatives in Slovakia and for Slovak representatives in Ukraine. The aim of the study visits is to gain the first-hand experience that can be used later, to build cross-border contact points and to share a common understanding of current challenges. Stays can also provide skills development for participating institutions during activities in their field of expertise.
In Slovakia: 2 stays (1 stay - 2 persons/duration: 2 weeks) for senior officials of the Ukrainian Border Guard in partner institutions and 2 stays (1 stay - 2 persons/duration: 2 weeks) for senior representatives of the Ukrainian Customs Administration in partner institutions
"Short-talks" - crisis communication courses for representatives of the border and customs administration on both sides of the border. Intensive "Short talk" courses will be an activity led by experts in PR and crisis communication (1 course for Ukrainian officials, duration: 2 full days for 14 selected participants from the border guard (7) and customs administration (7). 1 course for Slovak officials, duration : 2 full days for 14 selected participants from the border police (7) and the customs administration (7) The course will be carried out by the applicant (with administrative support Partner 2) with Partner 1 and 3. Due to the specific needs on both sides of the border, courses will be conducted separately, with the aim of achieving a common goal of improving communication and crisis management skills for all participants, as well as an expert from Norway (Partner 4).
Language crash courses, Ukrainian language course for Slovaks and vice versa. The aim of the language courses will be to improve the language skills (mainly communication) of the course participants in their mutual communications and also in communication with persons crossing the border, as the vast majority of passengers across the Slovak-Ukrainian border are citizens of these countries. The priority of the course is to create a sustainable and continuous impact on communication perceived by the general public.
Project conferences, websites / social accounts, public lectures, interviews for regional and local media, study trips to the borders for journalists
Joint seminars on border and customs administration on both sides of the border with local and regional representatives in border areas
Transfer of knowledge to improve cross-border cooperation, provision of expert materials to assist decision-making at the local, regional and national level, a conference to share the results of findings
Creating human resources by training experts in Slovakia and Ukraine in the field of cross-border cooperation.
Inclusive border
cooperating border
The bilateral agreements governing cooperation between the border police and the customs administrations of the two countries are in line with EU Schengen law. In 2013, the border police of Slovakia and Ukraine reached an agreement on joint border patrols, which is an important step towards integrated border management. Representatives of both countries are looking for further ways to further deepen integrated border management. The SIBSU project includes the necessary dialogues and joint exercises that will improve bilateral cooperation between the Slovak and Ukrainian border police, as well as the customs administration, and thus the protection of the EU's external border. Through the strengthening of bilateral cooperation between the border police and customs administrations with the participation of experts from Norway, who will present their best practices, the project will contribute to the integration of Ukrainian border services, including their practices and procedures, into Schengen rules and standards. The SIBSU project will also facilitate cooperation between the border police and the customs administration with municipalities in matters resulting from the operation of the border regime on the infrastructure of towns and municipalities located in the border area.
The SIBSU project will help the public to better understand the border service and will also help dialogue between border services and municipalities, reaching out to a wider range of citizens on both sides of the border. Finally, it will also include educational activities in the field of cross-border cooperation at the local level, thus creating not only a secure Slovak-Ukrainian border but also a comprehensive and cooperative one that is friendly and open to cross-border cooperation. The exchange of best practices between the universities of Prešov and Uzhhorod in the field of training experts for cross-border cooperation will be an important long-term investment in building human resources with the participation of the public, private sector and NGOs in cross-border cooperation on the Slovak-Ukrainian border.